MCQs on Animal Kingdom

MCQs on Animal Kingdom

The 4th chapter in Unit 1 Diversity in Living World studied in Class 11 NEET Biology syllabus is the Animal Kingdom. Provided below are the Important 15 questions along with solutions for the chapter.

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Animal Kingdom mcqs

Sure! Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the topic of Animal Kingdom:

1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of animals?
a) Multicellular organization
b) Autotrophic nutrition
c) Heterotrophic mode of nutrition
d) Presence of true tissues

2. Animals belonging to the phylum Arthropoda possess:
a) Exoskeleton
b) Endoskeleton
c) No skeleton
d) Hydrostatic skeleton

3. Which of the following is a characteristic of chordates?
a) Presence of a notochord
b) Segmented body
c) Jointed appendages
d) External fertilization

4. Which phylum includes animals with radial symmetry?
a) Porifera
b) Cnidaria
c) Platyhelminthes
d) Annelida

5. Which of the following is a feature of mammals?
a) Cold-blooded
b) Lay eggs
c) Possess hair or fur
d) Breathe through gills

6. The largest animal phylum in terms of the number of species is:
a) Porifera
b) Arthropoda
c) Chordata
d) Mollusca

7. Which of the following is not a subphylum of chordates?
a) Urochordata
b) Cephalochordata
c) Vertebrata
d) Nematoda

8. The stinging cells in cnidarians are called:
a) Tentacles
b) Cilia
c) Stingers
d) Nematocysts

9. Which of the following phyla exhibits bilateral symmetry?
a) Porifera
b) Echinodermata
c) Ctenophora
d) Platyhelminthes

10. Animals that undergo metamorphosis during their life cycle include:
a) Birds
b) Fish
c) Amphibians
d) Reptiles

1. b) Autotrophic nutrition
2. a) Exoskeleton
3. a) Presence of a notochord
4. b) Cnidaria
5. c) Possess hair or fur
6. b) Arthropoda
7. d) Nematoda
8. d) Nematocysts
9. d) Platyhelminthes
10. c) Amphibians

NEET biology MCQs

Q11. Which of the following is a characteristic of sponges?

(A) They have a central nervous system. (B) They have a coelom. (C) They have a skeleton. (D) They have an incomplete digestive system.

Answer: (D)

Sponges are simple animals that lack a true tissue organization. They have a central cavity, called the spongocoel, that is lined with choanocytes, which are cells that have flagella that help to create a current of water through the sponge. This current brings food and oxygen to the sponge and carries away waste products. Sponges do not have a coelom, a skeleton, or a nervous system.

Q12. Which of the following is a feature of echinoderms?

(A) They have a hard outer covering. (B) They have a water vascular system. (C) They have five arms. (D) All of the above.

Answer: (D)

Echinoderms are a group of marine animals that have a hard outer covering, a water vascular system, and five arms. The water vascular system is a network of canals that contain fluid. This fluid is pumped by muscles to move the arms and other parts of the body. Echinoderms also have tube feet, which are extensions of the water vascular system that are used for locomotion and feeding.

Q13. Which of the following is a feature of chordates?

(A) They have a notochord. (B) They have a dorsal hollow nerve cord. (C) They have gill slits at some point in their development. (D) All of the above.

Answer: (D)

Chordates are a group of animals that have a notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and gill slits at some point in their development. The notochord is a flexible rod of tissue that supports the body. The dorsal hollow nerve cord is a nerve cord that runs along the back of the animal. Gill slits are openings that allow water to flow in and out of the pharynx, where gas exchange takes place.

These are just a few examples of NEET MCQs on Animal Kingdom. There are many more questions that could be asked on this topic. To prepare for NEET, it is important to study all aspects of Animal Kingdom, including the different phyla, their characteristics, and their importance in the environment.

MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom MCQs on Animal Kingdom 

animal kingdom mcqs