cbse class 10th 2026

CBSE Class 10th 2026: Complete Syllabus, Chapter-wise Weightage, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme

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Jupiter Academy is your one-stop solution for conquering the CBSE Class 10th board exams in 2025. We provide comprehensive resources and expert guidance to ensure you excel in all subjects.

This page equips you with all the crucial information about the CBSE Class 10th exams:

Complete CBSE Class 10th Syllabus (2026):

  • Download and explore the official CBSE Class 10th syllabus for all subjects. We’ll keep you updated on any changes.
  • Get a clear understanding of the topics covered in each subject.

Chapter-wise Weightage for CBSE Class 10th (2026):

  • Learn about the weightage assigned to each chapter within a subject.
  • Focus your studies strategically on high-weightage areas to maximize your score.

CBSE Class 10th Exam Pattern (2026):

  • Familiarize yourself with the exam format, including question types, duration, and marking scheme.
  • Our in-depth explanation will prepare you for what to expect on exam day.

CBSE Class 10th Marking Scheme (2026):

  • Understand how marks are awarded for different types of questions.
  • Learn effective answering techniques to maximize your marks in each section.

Complete Syllabus for CBSE Class 10th Board Exam 2026



Competency Based Section Distribution:

Section AConceptual understanding, decoding, analysing, inferring, interpreting, and vocabulary20
Section BCreative expression of an opinion, reasoning, justifying, illustrating, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency. Applying conventions, using integrated structures with accuracy and fluency20
Section CRecalling, reasoning, appreciating, applying literary conventions illustrating and justifying, etc. Extract relevant information, identify the central theme and sub-theme, understand the writer’s message, and write fluently40

Section-wise Weightage:

Section AReading Comprehension through Unseen Passage 20 Marks 
Discursive passage (between 400 to 450 words)10 marksMultiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions and Short Answer Questions (to be answered in 30-40 words)
Case-based factual passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words.10 marks
Section BEnglish Grammar & Writing20 Marks 
• Determinants
• Tenses
• Modals
• Subject-Verb Concord
• Reported Speech-     Statements-     Questions-     Commands & Requests
10 MarksAccurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar in context through various Gap Filling/ Editing/Transformation exercises.
Writing Skills  
Writing a Formal Letter based on a given situation (100-120 words)05 MarksWord Limit 100-120 words
Writing an Analytical Paragraph on a given Map / Chart / Graph / Cue (100-200 words)05 MarksWord Limit 100-120 words
Section CLanguage through Literature40 Marks 
Reference to the Context5+5= 10 Marks 
One extract out of two from Drama / Prose
One extract out of two from poetry
Short & Very Long Answer Questions30 Marks 
Short Answer Type Questions (First Flight)4×3=12 marksAny 4 of 5
Short Answer Type Questions (Footprints Without Feet)2×3=6 marksAny 2 of 3
Long Answer Questions (First Flight)6 MarksAny 1 of 2
Long Answer Questions (Footprints Without Feet)6 MarksAny 1 of 2

Deleted Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 English:

GrammarUse of passive voice
Clauses: Noun clauses, Adverb clauses, Relative clauses
First Flight (Prose)The Hundred Dresses – I
The Hundred Dresses – II
First Flight (Poetry)Animals
Footprints without FeetThe Hack Driver

Complete English Syllabus for Class 10th Board Exam 2026:

2. CBSE CLASS 10 Language: Hindi Course-A EXAM 2026:

The Hindi syllabus for CBSE Class 10 in 2024 encompasses a wide range of topics, including prose, poetry, drama, and grammar. Students will have the opportunity to explore various literary genres, delve into the works of different authors, and analyse their compositions. Additionally, the syllabus covers aspects such as comprehension, writing skills, and vocabulary enhancement.

The question booklet of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi Exam 2024 will be for 80 marks. The 20 marks are designated for internal assessment, which includes periodic tests, notebook submissions, and subject enrichment activities.


Exam Pattern & Blueprint:

Part- A
    MarksTotal Marks
 Multiple choice based on comprehension ability and expression skills on unread prose and poetry  
1a.Unseen Passage (250 words)510
b.Unseen Poetry (120 words)5
2Comprehension of content on the topics prescribed for grammar, linguistic points, etc. (1×16)1616
3Literature 714
Part- B
4 of 3 (Short-form Answers)
4 of 3 (Very Short-form Answers)
3 of 4 (Short-form Answers)
2Writing 20
iParagraph Writing (on any 1 of 3 topics)6
iiLetter Writing (Any 1)5
iiiResume Writing or Email Writing5
ivLetter Writing / Advertisement Writing4
 Internal MarksMarks20
aPeriodic Assessment5 
dListening & Speaking5
 Total 100

Exam Pattern & Marks Distribution:

Part- A
    MarksTotal Marks
 Multiple choice based on comprehension ability and expression skills on unread prose and poetry  
1a.Unseen Passage (250 words)510
b.Unseen Poetry (120 words)5
2Grammar 16
a.रचना के आधार पर वाक्य भेद4
cपद परिचय4
3Literature 14
Part- B
4 of 3 (Short-form Answers)
4 of 3 (Very Short-form Answers)
3 of 4 (Short-form Answers)
2Writing 20
iParagraph Writing (on any 1 of 3 topics)6
iiLetter Writing (Any 1)5
iiiResume Writing or Email Writing5
ivLetter Writing / Advertisement Writing4

Complete Hindi-A Syllabus for Class 10th Board Exam 2026:

3. CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026:

The CBSE Class 10 Social Studies Syllabus for the academic year 2025-26 encompasses four main sections: History, Political Science, Geography, and Economics. The theory paper in social studies will account for 80 marks, while the internal assessment component will carry 20 marks.

Social Studies is consists of 4 parts- Geography, History, Political Sciences (Civics) and Economics, each for 20 marks in an 80 marks exam. The exam will also consist of relevant maps for various topics.


Unit-wise Weightage:

UnitsUnit NameMarks
1India and the Contemporary World – II20
2Contemporary India – II20
3Democratic Politics – II20
4Understanding Economic Development20

Social Studies Standard Chapter Wise Weightage:

1History●        The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.


●        Nationalism in India

●        The Making of a Global World (Sub-Topics 1 to 1.3)

●        Print Culture and the Modern World

●        Map Pointing

2Political Science●        Power-Sharing


●        Federalism

●        Gender, Religion, and Caste

●        Political Parties

●        Outcomes of Democracy

3Geography●        Resources and Development


●        Forest and Wildlife Resources

●        Water Resources

●        Agriculture

●        Mineral & Energy Resources

●        Manufacturing Industries

●        Lifelines of National Economy (Map Pointing)

●        Map Pointing

4Economics●        Development


●        Sectors of the Indian Economy

●        Money & Credit

●        Globalisation and The Indian Economy


–          What is Globalisation?

–          Factors that have enabled Globalisation

SectionsTypes of QuestionsNumber of QuestionsMarks (80)Weightage
Section AMCQs (Inclusive of Assertion, Reason, Differentiation & Stem)20 (1 Mark Each)2025%
Section BNarrative Questions (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis & Create)4 (2 Marks Each)810%
Section CNarrative Questions (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis & Create)5 (3 Marks Each)1518.75%
Section DCase Study Questions (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis & Create)3 (4 Marks Each)1215%
Section ENarrative Questions (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis & Create)4 (5 Marks Each)2025%
Section FMap Pointing556.25%

Syllabus and Important Topics:

SubjectSyllabusMarks (80)Percentage
History∙ The Rise of Nationalism in Europe. ∙ Nationalism in India:
∙ The Making of a Global World Sub topics1 to 1.3
∙ Print Culture and the Modern World ∙ Map pointing
Political Science∙ Power – sharing
∙ Federalism
∙ Gender, Religion and Caste
∙ Political Parties
∙ Outcomes of Democracy
Geography∙ Resources and Development
∙ Forest and Wildlife Resources ∙ Water Resources
∙ Agriculture
∙ Mineral& Energy resources
∙ Manufacturing industries.
∙ Lifelines of National Economy(map pointing)
∙ Map pointing
Economics∙ Development
∙ Sectors of the Indian Economy
∙ Money and Credit
∙ Globalization and The Indian Economy Sub topics:
▪ What is Globalization?
▪ Factors that have enabled

Deleted Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Social Science:

Deleted Syllabus of Class 10 SST

S. No.

Chapter No. and Chapter Name (NCERT Textbook)

Recommended Portion for deletion

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World –II (History)


Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies, and Societies NOTE- ANYONE OUT OF THESE TWO CHAPTERS (CH-3/CH4)Chapter 3: The Making of a Global World Chapter 4: The Age of Industrialisation

The chosen Chapter is to be assessed in the Periodic Tests and not in Board Examination.


Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture, and PoliticsChapter 5: Print Culture and the Modern World

Complete Chapter

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II (Geography)


Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife

Complete Chapter


Chapter 3: Water Resources

Complete the Chapter except for Map Items which will be assessed in the Examination


Chapter 5: Mineral and Energy Resources

Complete the Chapter except for Map Items which will be assessed in the Examination

Unit 3: Democratic Politics –II (Political Science)


Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity

Complete Chapter


Chapter 4: Gender, Religion, and Caste

Complete Chapter


Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements

Complete Chapter


Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy

Complete Chapter

Complete Social Science Syllabus for Class 10th Board Exam 2026:

4. CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 :

The CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Exam 2026 is designed to be worth 80 marks, while 20 marks are allocated for internal assessment or project work for all students. The syllabus for class 10 Mathematics was revised in the past year for the ease of the students, where 30% syllabus was deleted.

The detailed breakdown of the syllabus structure and marks distribution for CBSE Class 10 Maths is as follows:


Unit-Wise Marks Distribution:

SectionType of QuestionsNumber of QuestionsMarks (80)Weightage
Section AMCQs20 (1 Mark Each)2020%
Section BVery Short Answer Questions5 (2 Marks Each)1010%
Section CShort Answer Questions6 (3 Marks Each)1818%
Section DLong Answer Questions4 (5 Marks Each)2020%
Section ECase-Based Questions3 (4 Marks Each)1212%

Chapter-wise Marks Distribution:

Number SystemsReal Number6
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Quadratic Equations
Arithmetic Progressions
Coordinate GeometryCoordinate Geometry6
TrigonometryIntroduction to Trigonometry12
Trigonometric Identities
Heights & Distances: Angle of elevation, Angle of depression
MensurationAreas Related to Circles10
Surface Areas and Volumes
Statistics & ProbabilityStatistics11

Deleted Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Mathematics:

Deleted Syllabus of Class 10 Maths


Topics removed

Unit 1 – Number Systems

Real Numbers

Euclid’s division lemma

Unit 2 – Algebra


Statement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients

Pair of Linear Equations in two variables

Cross multiplication method

Quadratic Equations

Situational problems based on equations reducible to a quadratic equation 

Arithmetic Progressions

Application in solving daily life problems based on a sum to n terms 

Unit 3 – Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate Geometry

Area of a triangle

Unit 4 – Geometry


Proof of the following theorems is deleted – The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides, In a triangle, if the square on one side is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides, the angle, opposite to the first side is a right angle.


No deletion


Construction of a triangle similar to a given triangle.

Unit 5 – Trigonometry

Introduction to Trigonometry

Motivate the ratios whichever are defined at 0o and 90o

Trigonometric Identities

Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles

Heights and Distances

No deletion

Unit 6 – Mensuration

Areas related to circles

Problems with the central angle of 120°

Surface areas and Volume

Frustum of a cone.

Unit 6 – Statistics and Probability


Step Deviation Method for finding the mean cumulative Frequency graph


No deletion

Complete Mathematics Syllabus for Class 10th Board Exam 2026 :

5. CBSE CLASS 10 Science EXAM 2026 :

The CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus 2026 consists of a total of 5 units. The theory paper is assigned a weightage of 80 marks, while the internal assessment component carries 20 marks.

In the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus 2025-2026, the board made a deletion of about 30% part of the full syllabus. As a result, certain chapters and topics were removed to release the burden and ease exam preparations for students and help them to perform better.


Unit-wise Marks Distribution:

1Chemical Substances-Nature and Behaviour25
2World of Living25
3Natural Phenomena12
4Effects of Current13
5Natural Resources5

Exam Pattern & Marks Distribution:

SectionNumber of QuestionsMarks per QuestionWeightage (in Marks)
Section A (Multiple Choice Questions)20120
Section B (Short Answer Type Questions-I)6212
Section C (Short Answer Type Questions-II)7321
Section D (Long Answer Type Questions)3515
Section E (Source-Based/Case-Based Questions)3412

Deleted Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Sciences:

Deleted Syllabus of Class 10 Science



Unit I: Chemical Substances – Nature and Behavior

Metals and Non-metals: Basic Metallurgical processes; Corrosion and its prevention, Carbon and its Compounds: Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes, and alkynes), the difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition, and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps, and detergents.

Unit II: World of Living

Control and coordination in animals and plants: Tropic movements in plants; Introduction of plant hormones; Control and coordination in animals: Nervous system; Voluntary, involuntary, and reflex action; Chemical co-ordination: animal hormones, Heredity and Evolution: The Basic Concepts of Evolution.

Unit III: Natural Phenomena

The Human Eye and the Colorful World: Functioning of a lens in the human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. 

Unit IV: Effects of Current

Magnetic Effects of Electric Current: Electric Generator, Direct current. Alternating current: frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC. Domestic electric circuits.

Unit V: Natural Resources

Sources of energy: Different forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy: Fossil fuels, solar energy; biogas; wind, water, and tidal energy; Nuclear energy. Renewable versus non-renewable sources of Energy.

Complete Science Syllabus for Class 10th Board Exam 2026:

CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Social Studies EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 Mathematics EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 science EXAM 2025 CBSE CLASS 10 science EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 science EXAM 2026 CBSE CLASS 10 science EXAM 2026